Conversations with the Associate Provost: Campbell Pilot Spaces

December 14, 2023
Image of Campbell Recording Booth

Q: Hi Dr. Hilliker! It’s wonderful to have this opportunity to chat with you again and delve into the exciting developments happening at Campbell Library. With a full-scale renovation set to kick off in Summer 2024, there have already been some noteworthy additions to the library spaces this academic year. Can you share some insights into these new areas?

A: Certainly. With the upcoming renovation, we wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to experiment with Campbell, and try some new spaces and services on a pilot-basis. This is our year of pilots/betas. We've started by introducing the Family Study Space and the Campbell Recording Booth.

Q: Great! Let's start with the Family Study Space. Could you tell us where it's located and who can make use of this space?

A: The Family Study Space is situated on the 2nd floor and is open to everyone. It caters to Prof parents with children, or any members of our community with kids who need a secure environment to study while keeping an eye on their little ones. It's worth noting that this space may get a little noisier than other parts of the library, but that’s okay because the sound funnels out to our lobby and not into the rest of the library where our quiet study areas are.

Q: That sounds accommodating! What can patrons expect when they visit the Family Study Space?

A: The space is furnished with both adult and child-friendly furniture, as well as toys and children’s books, to create an welcoming and productive environment for student families.

Q: Exciting! What's in store for the future of the Family Study Space, and where can patrons find more information?

A: We are working with a number of campus partners, including the Family-Friendly Campus Initiative, to incorporate events and programming for children. It's a work in progress, and we welcome feedback from patrons to enhance the space. For updates and to provide feedback, please visit

Q: Fantastic! Providing a family-friendly space is a thoughtful addition. Now, moving on to the Campbell Recording Booth. Can you share details about this space?

A: Absolutely. The Campbell Recording Booth will soon be available for students to book. We're collaborating closely with our partners in IRT to finalize the space, hopefully by the start of the spring semester.

Q: What exactly is the Campbell Recording Booth?

A: Located on the 2nd floor, the booth will serve as a user-friendly option for students to record themselves, either just audio (creating podcasts and oral history recordings) or video (creating class presentations and recorded job talks). The aim is to provide shared access to higher-end cameras, mics, and lights so folks can have higher production values than they might make with just their own phones and laptops.

Q: How can patrons make use of the Recording Booth?

A: Students will be able to reserve time slots for the Campbell Recording booth in advance, similar to the process for booking private study rooms in the library. We are finalizing documentation about using the room, and are trying to make it as simple as possible to book, record, and then share the recording to whomever you want to see or hear it.

Q: Where can we stay updated on the opening of the Recording Booth?

A: Keep an eye on the library website for the latest updates on all of our new efforts at Campbell Library!

Thank you, Dr. Hilliker for your time! We look forward to more conversations on future projects at Campbell Library.