Mendeley Institutional Edition (MIE) offers more storage and groups

January 31, 2019

Rowan University Libraries has added the institutional version of Mendeley to our collection. Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help individuals organize their research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research. Mendeley Institutional Edition (MIE) is available to all Rowan students, faculty and staff. 

Benefits to institutional access include: 

  • 100 GB personal library space
  • Create up to 100 collaborative groups 
  • 100 GB group library space
  • Unlimited public groups of up to 100 members each
  • Unlimited private groups of up to 100 members each
  • 24/5 customer support service: email with MIE in subject line:

Researchers will benefit from a secure and stable platform for building a searchable library, storing and sharing research data, and connecting with fellow researchers globally.  Lecturers will benefit from a platform for creating reading lists and discussion groups, connecting with students and other educators, and curating a collection of reference material.  Students can save citations from various databases for their courses and create groups to work collaboratively. 

Mendeley Careers is science’s largest job board, with over 170,000 positions in both the academic and commercial areas.  Mendeley Data is a secure cloud-based repository where researchers can store their data, ensuring it is easy to share, access and cite. It also complies with funders’ requirements for storage and distribution of data. Mendeley Funding is the largest, free funding discovery tool of curated funder and funding opportunity data.

Access Mendeley via the Campbell Library Database Finder under M

Dan Kipnis
Life Sciences Librarian
Campbell Library